HM DIY Workshop 文化工藝自助工作坊
Preface 前 言
It is told that the Chines culture lacks craftsmanship and the spirit of science. Nevertheless, the critic is not made on solid ground. In those eras before Ming Dynasty, both the spiritual and material civilization of the Middle East and Far East had been leading the western world for thousands of years. The Mongolian conquest and Marco Polo's exploration of China had inspired the Renaissance and Enlightenment of the West, which took 300 years to chase and another 200 years to surpass consecutively. As Chinese people tend to over revere the literal knowledge and art while despising the craft and commerce, talented people refused to do manual labor jobs. Consequently, the development of science and technology fell behind the West when their development has gained ever greater momentum. Putting aside the pragmatic considerations, manual labor is complementary to mental labor. Through the integration of practice and theory, creativity and the joy of life are to be enhanced. We master various arts, crafts, and technologies from years of academic study and working experience. We sincerely share our video documentaries with anyone who is also a DIY hobbyist as an entry-level reference. At last, please note that all manual labor work involve some kinds of danger. Always mind your safety and try all skills step by step according to the level of difficulty. Enjoy your DIY exploration.
都説中國没有工匠精神和科學精神,其實這説法本身便欠缺客觀查證。回顧歷史,在明朝之前,中東和遠東的精神文明和物質文明,都超越西方,蒙古人的西征和馬 可孛羅的東遊,激發了西方的文藝復興和啟蒙運動,三百年積聚,二百年超越,才是今天情況。 中國過於尊崇讀書,輕視體力勞動,文、藝、工三者分家,人才不入工和商,是科技落後的原因。清末民初,工匠分成72行,入行相當於終身職業;現在科技一日 千里,工種數以百計,若事事求人,費時失機還要破財,西方社會地廣人稀,工資高昂,所以工藝自助DIY流行,無論男女,都懂得一般家居維修。 撇除實用考慮,手工藝和純粹的知識互相補足,理論結合實踐,啟發創意和思維,也增添生活情趣。我們多年來從學習、業務和工餘興趣的實踐中,掌握了多種的工 藝技術,拍成視頻,在此和大家分享,可以作為初步參考或入門知識。 最後,温馨提示,研習手工藝的過程,皆有一定危險,務要注意安全,從難度低的入手,累積經驗,逐步提升,寓學習於興趣,快樂自學識維修。
Sept, 2020
DIY Workshop Youtube Channel "Hottest" Vid
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